« prophecy 2002-12-01 from

prophecy 2002-11-01 from bob celia

November 1, 2002

I believe the Lord gave me this vision: "I, along with many others, was on a path, which appeared wide at the outset. As we walked down the path, it seemed to dip {and we could not see the end) and then rose up (so we could see where we were going on our journey - straight ahead). Along the way were many people on the sides of the path holding torches, so we could see where to step, and continually cheering and urging us on the way. As we traveled the path seemed to narrow, yet it was well lit from those holding the torches, and there was room for all of us to continue on, yet we were closer together and not spread out along the path. When we came to the end of the path, there were some steps that led upwards. We climbed the steps and on the top there was a throne and upon the throne there was a brilliant light that comforted and filled all who had been on the journey." NOTE: Several of the members of the Word Gifts Ministry, on hearing this prophecy, had the sense that those along the path holding torches to light the way, were the members of Presentation Ministries who have died and gone ahead of us, to the throne of God.